Payment Methods

For the security of your payment information, now we only support PayPal payment!

When can I use the Return Shipping on Us service?

  • You may return items using the Return Shipping service if the following conditions are met:
  • Pay for online purchase using PayPal account;
  • Hold a PayPal account in good standing;
  • Initiate Your return within the return period and in accordance with the return conditions;
  • The items You wish to return must have been paid for in their entirety using Your PayPal account.
  • You must submit a refund request of the shipping costs (the "refund request”) related to that return within thirty (30) days of mailing the returned item.
  • You will have thirty (30) days to submit a refund request from the date on which You return Your item.
  • In the event of misappropriation or fraudulent use of the Return Shipping on  service, PayPal reserves the right to restrict the Service eligibility.

How do I make a refund request under the Return Shipping on Us service?

  • Login to Your PayPal account, select the purchase You returned and click on “request return shipping refund”.
  • Submit the return shipping refund request form, along with proof of Your return within thirty (30) days of when You returned the item (that’s the max!).
  • If Your claim is approved, Your refund will appear in Your PayPal account in approximately ten (10) days.
  • Once You submit Your refund request, Paypal will review it for completeness. If any document is missing from Your file, Paypal will contact You at Your PayPal email address identifying the missing document(s), and You will have an additional fourteen (14) days to submit the missing document(s) from the date we contact You.

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